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Build and Construction Chelsey Morphy Build and Construction Chelsey Morphy

Why This Popular Advice is Wrong

This is often the first question people ask when they’re looking to price their project because it’s how we’ve all been taught to evaluate the cost of construction.

Perhaps it’s because construction is muddled with products and materials, both with grossly increased profit margins, and multiple professionals, each bringing to the table their own set of technical expertise. But anyone can make a quick calculation.

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Build and Construction Chelsey Morphy Build and Construction Chelsey Morphy

The $180,000 Mistake

I get to enjoy the stories told from professionals in the trade, with years of experience, who have done and seen it all. And this is one of the short stories that stuck with me over the years. A story that cautions homeowners that hiring a Licensed Residential Builder and communication with your design team, even during the build, is key.

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