Homeowner HQ

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When is a Reno OR Demo Right For You?

I was speaking with a past professional in the industry and they mentioned that they always tell people that it’s better to demolish and build new than it is to renovate.

This caught me off guard.

I’m not sure what this person did in construction to have such a polarizing stance of opinion but here’s my 17 years of experience and 2 cents about it.

That’s not always the case.

And, it entirely depends.

Whether a renovation or a demo and rebuild is more cost-effective depends on several factors, including the extent of the renovation or rebuild, the condition of the existing structure, and the cost of building materials and labor in the local area. 

It’s never that black and white.

If you know us well, you know that we have a lot of field experience and have worked with hundreds of clients on all types of projects - renovations and new builds, including demolitions and re-builds. We’ve seen it all. And we’ve crunched the numbers and asked our clients, and ourselves.. “would it have been cheaper to re-build?”

Join our Open House to put an end to this burning question. (psst. it’s free!)

We’ve put together a great list of things to look out for when you’re considering renovating or demolishing and re-building. Find out what the best approach is depends on the specific circumstances of your project.

I’ll see you in there to answer any more questions you might have about your reno or demo.

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